Hollybrook Academy

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Comenius Project 2012-2014

Hollybrook Academy has been successful in securing substantial British Council funding to participate in a bilingual Comenius Project between our school and partner school Maerkisches Berufskolleg in Unna, Germany. Both schools will be working together for the duration of two years with a focus on finding out about each other’s countries, cultures and lifestyles.

The title of the project "Glasgow and Unna under the microscope: sports and youth activities in different cultures”, gives a spectrum of opportunities for young people to engage with one another and to encourage cross cultural understanding. The project took off in August 2012 and pupils have since formed email partnerships, exchanged emails on a regular basis, produced and exchanged films about their respective schools and communities.

Hollybrook Academy will be hosting the first of the two partnership visits this month. 10 German students and their teachers will be coming to Glasgow for 10 days to explore, jointly with pupils from Hollybrook Academy, life and culture in Glasgow, enjoy team games, work in mixed teams to explore Glasgow, undertake some planning together as a group to stage a sports festival for younger pupils and take part in workshops offered as part of the school’s Health and Wellbeing week.
Please click on the link below to view our video diaries.