Hollybrook Academy

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Religious and Moral Education


Religious and Moral Education (RME) is a compulsory part of Curriculum for Excellence. The subject looks at the way that different people live their lives and the decisions they make based on the beliefs that they have. We learn about most of the major world religions to investigate how they work, what they teach and their celebrations. We encourage pupils to investigate world religions and to share their own values, beliefs, ideas and opinions honestly: doing this is what we feel is at the heart of the subject of RME.




Mr M Cavanagh (Principal Teacher)






There is a dedicated RME classroom where the subject is based.

The room is equipped with audio visual technology to support our learning; we have two computers, a data projector and a SMART Board.


What your child will learn


Pupils will study a range of World Religions including Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Judaism.

Pupils will learn about many of the different aspects of religion: beliefs; how people live their lives; special places; religious people and special religious stories.

Pupils will learn about people’s ideas about what is right and wrong and how they make these decisions.

Pupils will learn, perhaps most importantly, how to express your own beliefs as well as how to relate to other people who come from different backgrounds to you.



How your child will learn


Pupils will meet people who belong to different religious communities.

Pupils will visit special religious places.

Pupils will read things; talk about things with others and write things.

Pupils will do role plays and make posters.

Pupils will use ICT resources and go on the internet to find information.

Pupils will watch films and TV programmes to find things out.


How you will be assessed


The work that pupils produce will be assessed by the teacher. They will be assessed by the things that they say and do in the class room. The teacher and the class will watch and listen to what other pupils are doing and saying to find out how they are getting on with their learning. They will be asked to think about what they know and how they have improved in the subject. Pupils will get feedback on their learning from the teacher to help to improve their learning.


Wider links/achievements in learning


RME is a subject where pupils learn about getting along with and understanding the different people that we share our earth with. The subject helps learners  get better at explaining what they think is right, and it gives them the confidence to say  when they disagree with others. Pupils will become aware of the different cultures that belong to Scotland and will be confident and responsive to other cultures, people and groups of our country and accross the globe.