Mrs S Bryce
Mrs Dunbar
German: Mrs S Bryce
In S1-S3 all pupils learn German as their first Modern Language. In S1 Pupils will receive two periods per week during a school session, in S2 and 3 it is 1 period. From S4 onwards we offer German as an option and currently deliver up to National 5 qualifications and the Language for Life and Work Award (SCQF level3 and 4).
In Hollybrook we have a Modern Languages room where all German lessons take place, resources are stored and up to date ICT technology, recording and learning software can be accessed.
What your child will learn
In S1-3 pupils will develop a broad general understanding of the German language and German culture. Through a variety of topics including film study, pupils will develop their listening, reading, talking and writing skills in German.
From S4 onwards, at National Level, pupils will learn in more depth about certain aspects of life in Germany, schools and colleges, businesses and employment in as well as German celebrations and traditions.
How your child will learn
In German, pupils will study a range of different texts – short written factual and imaginative texts, song texts and films. Pupils will use textbooks and dictionaries where appropriate. Pupils will take part in a range of classroom activities. This could mean looking for information in texts and on the internet when researching Germany, studying German films, listening and responding to people speaking German, taking part in role play or real communication with German pupils through school partnerships. Pupils will also prepare presentations about different aspects of Germany and work in groups with others.
How your child will be assessed
Pupils’ progress will be assessed during activities in and out of the classroom and often in a cross curricular way, i.e. in co-operation with subjects other than German. Pupils will have the opportunity to be assessed in a variety of ways suited to their learning styles. They will produce a portfolio over the year that will show how and what they have learned. For assessments in listening and talking, pupils may be filmed or recorded. They will also complete writing and reading comprehension tasks.
Wider links/achievements in learning
Hollybrook offers a wide variety of educational visits for our pupils. These include:
· Educational visits to Germany, including visits to German schools, taking part in German school life and joint co-operative activities with German students
· Erasmus+ projects
· On-going links with our partner school, Maerkisches Berufskolleg in Unna.
· Workshops organised by the Goethe Institute in Glasgow
· German film screenings at the Glasgow Film Theatre
This year, Hollybrook has again secured funding from the British Council for a bi-lingual Erasmus+ project with our partner school Meerkisches Berufskolleg in Unna ( So far this has resulted in our pupils taking part in a visit to Germany in November 2016. In return, the German group will experience a residential stay with us in Scotland. This will take place in February 2017.
French Mrs Dunbar
In S2 and S3 pupils learn French as their second Modern Language. Pupils will recieve one period per week during the school session.
What your child will learn
In S2 and S3 pupils will develop a broad general understanding of French language and culture. through a variety of topics, pupils will develop their listening, reading, speaking and writing skills in French.
How they will learn
Pupils will use French films, songs, books, games and ICT to learn basic French phrases and a range of useful vocabulary. Their progress will be assessed through a variety of activities and in a variety of ways to suit their learning style.