Hollybrook Academy

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Personal and Social Education


PSE (Personal and Social Education) covers a variety of topics which aims to teach pupils the skills and equip them with the knowledge to make informed decisions for a successful and happy life in the future.

All pupils from S1-S6 have PSE as part of their curriculum. S1-S3 have one period covering the Broad General Education experiences and outcomes of the Curriculum for Excellence.

S4 get a double period where they have one period of core PSE.

S5/6 get a  period of core PSE where learning is specifically focused on preparing pupils for life as they move beyond school and into adulthood.



Mr Cavanagh

Mrs S Bryce

Mrs S Scullion 

Mr Lumsden

Mrs Hutchinson





The PSE department uses a wide variety of resources to cater for the many different learning styles of our pupils. We are increasingly incorporating the use of ICT into our lessons as well as using a variety of visual resources/ posters and current digital footage via Clickview.


What your child will learn


From S1-S6 there is a programme of work that your child will follow. Many of the themes are gradually developed as the pupil’s progress through the school and develop in maturity. Each theme of work is aimed at being real and relevant to the age and stage of the pupils and is in line with Glasgow’s Health (Glasgow PSE guidelines) and also NHS Scotland's RSHP (Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenting) programme.




Me as a unique Individual


Friendships and Bullying

Personal Hygiene

Keeping safe


Alcohol and Drug misuse.




Drugs misuse

Personal Hygiene

Puberty and conception

Dangers of Stereotyping and discrimination

Being a responsible citizen




Positive Mental Attitudes

Internet Safety

Appropriate behaviours in relationships

Services in our community




Relationships (focus on power and control)

Relationships (peer pressure and contraception)

Effects of stereotyping and the media

Body art and healthy eating

Social Media safety


S5/6: (year 1)


Respectful relationships

Budgeting/Independent living on a budget

Implications of Parenthood

Contraception/ STI’S



S5/6: (Year 2)


Rights and responsibilities

Stress (effects and coping mechanisms)

Respectful relationships (teen/ domestic abuse)

Self esteem

Positive mental attitudes


How your child will learn


Your child will be involved in a variety of learning and teaching styles in PSE. Pupils will learn through whole class discussions/ debates as well as in small group discussions within the class. Pupils will be involved in role play, scenarios, question and answer sessions, written tasks, ICT activities and research. At the start of each theme of work the pupils will be asked to reflect upon their prior knowledge and then at the end they will assess how their learning has progressed through the weeks.


Making connections in learning


At the start of each lesson the teacher will explain the learning intentions for the lesson and relate this to the relevance of the topic. Connections will be made with real life situations to enable the pupils to understand the importance of the learning. The PSE department also link with themes in PE, Science, HE, Social Subjects and ICT throughout the year.


How your child’s progress of Learning will be assessed


Learning in PSE is continually assessed through the year in many different ways. Verbal and written peer assessment is a key feature in the classes where pupils will work together to review each others work. Pupils also take part in an end of theme quiz activity (either individual or in small groups) which will give the teacher a clear picture of progress. Pupil progress is also monitored through class debates, drama scenarios, verbal question and answer sessions, PowerPoint presentations and home learning tasks. The variety of continuous assessment will determine what the pupil is learning and also aim to give an indication of decision making ability, confidence and level of maturity when working with others; all of which are of vital importance for the future.


How your child’s progress in their learning will be reported to you


Twice a year parents/ cares will receive feedback to indicate whether your child is on track with their leaning. There will also be a more detailed school report once a year with your child’s progress. Parents/ cares may also phone the school to discuss their child progress at any time.




Every child is expected to give maximum effort in class. A class agreement is made at the start of the term where pupils will discuss and agree a set of expectations that will be conducive to a good working environment. Pupils are expected to learn to listen to each other, take turns talking, show respect in discussions (especially if disagreeing) and to take responsibility for their learning. 


Competitions/ Events


Throughout the year in PSE we work with a variety of services and health professional. They will come in and speak to the pupils offering their knowledge and expertise in their subject area. We work with the fire service, the school nurse, the oral Hygienist, The police, the careers service, LGBT, GCA and the Sandyford Clinic. Our classes will also go on field trips as appropriate to explore local services such as the Sandyford Sexual Health clinic and the Fire Safety centre.