Hollybrook Academy

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School priorities 2016/17
School Priorites 2016/17

Hollybrook Academy Priorities for 2016-2107


Expected Outcomes


Evidence of Impact

Raising attainment and achievement for all.


Increased rigor in monitoring and tracking of progression.

Greater communication with parents/carers around learning & teaching and achievement.

Increased quality of feedback to support progression so that learners will be more involved in planning for their next steps.

Pupil planners/learning conversations reflect their understanding of how to improve their learning.

Clearer progression routes for pupils moving through Senior Phase.

Learners will experience increased opportunities in through BGE & Senior Phase.

Increased attainment as a result of improved tracking.


More streamlined paperwork for staff tracking pupil progression.


Time allocated to share good practice from pupils and  staff CPD.


Greater shared understanding of moderation and verification leading to a better understanding of standards.


Departmental meeting, pupil council and SLT minutes reflect staff engagement with use of pupil planners to support progression.


Learner conversations and focus groups highlight increased confidence in feedback and understanding of what the next steps in learning are.

Developing further Curriculum for Excellence with a focus on H& W priorities


Learners will experience an increasingly coherent and progressive approach to learning.


Daily opportunities where Health and  Wellbeing  are built into the day


Pupils in senior phase will have a range of options to suit a widening range of needs.


All pupils will have had the opportunity to take part in Radio Hollybrook.

Curriculum Model - Self -evaluation evidence from staff, pupils, parents.


All entitlements will be in place in BGE.


Pupils in Senior Phase will have a broad range of options reflecting needs.


There will be a range of volunteering options in place help pupils develop skills.


Improved support to all children to develop and learn.

Learners will continue to experience increased understanding of the SHANNARI Indicators.

Learners will be further consulted in identifying barriers to their learning and planning to address these.

All learning environments in the school will become increasingly nurturing.

Learners  will feel safe, valued and listened to- emotional resilience and aspirations will increase

Outreach will be in place, supported by systems to monitor and evaluate.

Increased staff capacity and confidence in fulfilling their roles and responsibilities in terms of GIRFEC legislation


Wellbeing assessment plans and other educational records will provide evidence of what has been achieved and what supports are needed or being provided for.


Pastoral Notes will support effective communication with other agencies.


Pupils supported in other schools will have increased confidence &attainment.